
Find local breastfeeding support, including lactation consultants, WIC clinics, community breastfeeding support groups and educators, and physicians, at, or by calling the Partners for Healthy Babies line at 1-800-251-BABY (2229), or by visiting the Partners for Family Health website – in English or in Spanish.

Free legal hotline for workers and students call 415-703-8276 or email

ThePregnantScholar : Legal resources and practical tips for students, Title IX officers, and college/university administrators.

Advocates for expanding breastfeeding rights call 415-565-4640 or email

Breastfed babies are ready for anything! If you need help finding a healthcare provider or breastfeeding support during an emergency, call 1-800-251-BABY (2229)

The Facts:

  • The cleanest, safest food you can give your child during an emergency is your breast milk.
  • Human milk has antibodies to help protect a baby from diarrhea and other diseases.
  • As long as you keep nursing, stress will not make your milk go away.
  • As long as your baby is getting enough of your milk, your baby is getting enough water.
  • You can still breastfeed, even if you are hungry.
  • Continue to breastfeed your baby, even if he is sick or injured.
  • When a mother breastfeeds, she releases hormones that help her and her baby relax and stay calm.
  • Many mothers can begin producing milk again, even if they have already discontinued breastfeeding.
  • Formula may not be available or may become contaminated. Water that is mixed with powdered or concentrated formula may also be contaminated.
  • During an emergency or disaster, it may be impossible to sterilize formula, bottles or nipples.
  • If there is no electricity, opened prepared formula cannot be preserved in the refrigerator.
  • If there is no electricity, you cannot use an electric breast pump, but you can easily express your milk with your hands.  Click here to learn more about hand expression.

Additional Information and Resources

Storing and Handling Human Milk in an Emergency

Infant Ready Emergency Feeding Kit and Training for Emergency Responders

Breastfeeding and Emergencies (USBC)

Infant Feeding in Emergencies (La Leche League International)

Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (ILCA)

Free legal hotline for workers and students call 415-703-8276 or email

The Louisiana Workplace Breastfeeding Support Program

Guide to the Rights of Breastfeeding Employees in Louisiana

Supporting Nursing Moms At Work: Employer Solutions: This comprehensive website explains why supporting breastfeeding is good for businesses, and what employers and employees can do to create a supportive work environment.

Federal Break Time for Nursing Mothers Law – Website and Fact Sheet

PregnantAtWork: Legal resources and practical tips for employees, and their health care providers, employers, and lawyers.

An Online Resource for Breastfeeding Mothers Returning to Work or School

Breastfeeding Accommodation Request Form: This handout can be used for establishing pumping guidelines at work between an employer and employee.

Babygate: One stop shop for information about pregnancy and parenting at work.

Sample Physician Note for Lactation Accommodations At Work

Double electric breast pumps are covered by Louisiana Medicaid.  Medicaid Breast Pump Guide in English and in Spanish  – This guide can be used by families or providers to learn how to get a breast pump through Medicaid. The Louisiana Medicaid Electric Breast Pump Request Form must be signed by the birthing person.

The Bureau of Family Health is working with hospitals, providers and community partners to facilitate successful implementation of the Medicaid breast pump policy. If you have questions or need assistance, please email,

Louisiana Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program continues to provide pumps to eligible participants through the LA WIC Breast Pump Program. Click here for more information about WIC or to find a local WIC clinic. If a hospital identifies a WIC participant who requires a pump, please complete and submit the Medical Necessity Breast Pump Form.

Mental Health Resources: If in crisis or need of other mental health resources, call (866) 310-7977

Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services Locator: Find alcohol and drug treatment services using ATLAS:

Spanish / Español

Café con Leche (New Orleans)- en español

  • cada primer martes del mes, 6:00 pm a 7:30 pm
  • en linea en nuestro grupo privado de Facebook
  • Envía LECHE por texto al 77948
  • (504)515-1243,
  • Gratuito y abierto a cualquier residente de

Sus derechos en el trabajo durante COVID-19: Amamantamiento y lactancia

Maravillosos videos acerca de diferentes temas sobre amamantar

La Toma De Decisiones Compartidas: Para LA Lactancia Materna Y COVID-19

World Health Organization FAQ for Breastfeeding & COVID-19 for Health Care Workers (see decision tree on last page) / PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES:Lactancia materna y COVID-19Para trabajadores de la salud

How to Keep Your Breast Pump Clean / Cómo mantener limpio el extractor de leche materna

La Leche League – Relactation / Volver al pecho

Postpartum Support International – Spanish hotline / Apoyo de posparto para las familias hispano parlantes

Spanish videos on how to prepare for the hospital visit, see Coffective mobile app and/or QR codes / Cómo prepararse para la visita al hospital

The Center for WorkLife Law offers a free legal Spanish helpline for workers nationwide who have questions about their workplace rights related to coronavirus / LÍNEA TELEFÓNICA DE AYUDA LEGAL PARA TRABAJADORES CON RESPECTO A COVID-19 (ENFERMEDAD CORONAVIRUS 2019)


Praeclarus Press COVID-19 & Breastfeeding – Free downloadable posters, multilingual

Global Health Media Videos -Includes latching, hand expression, nipple pain and engorgement. Access via YouTube or download for personal and non-commercial use.