Professional Development

In 2012 the Louisiana Lactation Consultant Association (LLCA) and the Louisiana Breastfeeding Coalition (LBC) formed a close operational partnership in order to maximize time, energy and resources of members to improve support for breastfeeding and to provide professional development support related to breastfeeding and human lactation.  This partnership is carried out through a sub-committee of the LBC, called the Professional Development Committee.


The Professional Develop Committee works to carry out activities that are aligned with the following strategies:

Strategy 1:

Provide continuing education opportunities for LBC members and other lactation professionals statewide.


Strategy 2:

Provide Networking Opportunities for Louisiana lactation providers.


Strategy 3:

Create a more racially and ethnically diverse coalition and work to increase the number of lactation professionals (providers) in LA, especially those of color and serving in under-served communities.